Yaru Still Mineral Water 1.5L - Yaru Water
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Yaru Still Mineral Water 1.5L


Yaru Still Mineral Water 1.5L

Yaru Still Mineral Water is now available in a 1.5L rPET bottle. This bottle is made from recycled PET that can continue to be recycled. The bottles are blown on site to prevent unnecessary transportation, and Yaru as a business is proudly certified 100% carbon neutral.

Yaru Water is sourced and bottled from water that flows deep below the foothills of an ancient volcano. Mount Warning-Wollumbin rises out of the rainforest in the heart of Bundjalung country in Northern New South Wales. For thousands of years subtropical rains have blown in from vast expanses of untouched Pacific Ocean. They have showered the mountain and the surrounding volcanic rim, filtering deep down into the land below. This has created a precious underground water source, filtered by layers of ancient volcanic rock (Yaru means Rock in Bundjalung).

The water that flows through this rock is:

  • High in minerals
  • Naturally alkaline
  • Bottled at the source
  • Single origin
  • Packaged in a beautifully designed 1.5L bottle
  • We preserve the natural high quality of the water and minimise our impact on the planet.

Typical Analysis per litre: pH 7.5, Calcium 39mg, Magnesium 18mg.