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Author: Yaru Water

Solar Powered Hydration Furthers Sustainability Goals

In 2023 we were awarded the title of 'Sustainable Beverage Manufacturer of the Year', but we don't stop at awards. In line with our mission to continually improve our sustainability practices, we are excited to have completed the installation of a cutting-edge 200kW commercial solar system. This epic system means that we can utilize clean energy to power our already certified carbon-neutral business. Solar power significantly reduces emissions by generating electricity without burning fossil fuels, leading to decreased greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. This renewable source contributes to a cleaner environment, mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable energy solutions for a brighter future. Solar energy has obvious benefits,...

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Yaru Funds Heartfelt Program in the NT

Funding from The Yaru Foundation has recently helped to enable Red Dust and their local partner Mamanta, to pilot a new Healthy Living Program education module on Tiwi Country in the NT, to raise awareness of rheumatic heart disease.  What is Rheumatic Heart Disease?  Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is linked to valve damage in the heart and can occur after an episode of acute rheumatic fever. However, it is more commonly associated with repeated episodes.  Despite RHD being both preventable and life-threatening, Australia experiences some of the highest rates worldwide. Over 5,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals are affected by either RHD or its precursor, Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF).  About...

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Sustainable Beverage Manufacturer of the Year

We are beyond delighted to announce that our bottling facility and team have recently been announced as the winner of the ‘Sustainable Beverage Manufacturer of the Year’, at the Australian Containers for Change, Change Maker Awards. Our business practices were recognised at the awards ceremony for our Carbon Neutral certification which we've held since the day we began, for our continued commitment to further reducing emissions by blowing our own recycled PET bottles on site, and for purchasing all of our components here in Australia. We were also congratulated on stage for our extensive rainforest regeneration program, and our ‘more than water’ ethos. Our facility has also recently installed...

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